Gem Miner's Holiday Show
November 15 - 17, 2024
Winter Holiday Gift Show
November 15 - 17, 2024
New!! Friday Hours Noon - 6pm!!
Saturday 10am-5pm • Sunday 11am-4pm
Two Wholesale Rooms
Over 80 Vendors! Gem, Jewelry, Gift, Bead, Mineral, Fossil & Craft Show
Lebanon Expo & Fairgrounds, 80 Rocherty Rd, Lebanon PA 17042
The Gem Miner's Holiday Gem, Jewelry and Gift Show is an exhibition of beads, fine jewelry, gems, minerals, fossils, gift and craft items. Hourly and grand door prizes. Free and handicapped parking. Tickets are $5 each when you order online.
Admission is $6 when you purchase at the door on the day of the event (cash only); children under 12 free. Order your tickets online in advance and save $1 off admission.

Admission Coupon
Print your $1 off admission coupon or RSVP on Facebook here.
Admission is $5 with coupon for the whole 2 day event. Family friendly - children under 12 free.

Tour the Gem Show
Gem Miner's Jubilee and Holiday Shows are a yearly exhibition and sale of some of the finest products & collectibles available to the connoisseur of Earth's treasures. We exhibit a larger show in August and a Holiday Gem, Jewelry, Minerals and Gift and Craft Show in November.
Each year 80+ vendors from around the country and world converge on Lebanon, Pennsylvania for a fest of gems, minerals, fossils, beads, jewelry, arts and crafts. This is an opportunity to meet source dealers, those in the trenches, scouring the Earth to bring you the finest in natural treasures.
Demonstrations November 2024
November 2024 Interactive Vendor Experiences and Demonstrations
Bootlegger Bo’s Gem Mine: Run by our youngest ever exhibitor, Bo offers a Gem Mine experience for younger rockhounds. Have some hands on fun at the show with panning for treasure. Every bag is guaranteed to have a gem inside!
The Interstellar Collection: (https://www.theinterstellarcollection.com) Take a trip to outer space and pick up your very own meteorite! Brett Cohen is an enthusiastic expert on the subject and he's coming to share his extensive scientific knowledge. Hear the incredible stories behind his collection of rare and museum quality meteorites.
Boyd’s Cardinal Hollow Winery: (https://www.cardinalhollowwinery.com/) will offer free samples of their unique wines from their top selling Whiskey Mead which is fermented in Bourbon barrels to their tongue toasting Jalapeno Wine sold by the bottle which can be taken home.
Crystal Street / Warren & Susan Gonzales Minerals: Visit Crystal Street for custom wire wrapped stones, or pick your own stone from their selection and they'll wrap it into a custom pendant for you at the show!
Crystal Mine Brazil / Ken Armstrong: Check out stunning life sized stone towers, and add to your own collection. Visit Glenda and Gloria, their two display obelisks: Amazonite on the right & Hematoid Iron & Quartz on the left.