
Order Your Tickets Online
$5.00 Admission Online Special
If you would like to save some time and money at The Gem Miner's Shows, order your tickets in advance so you can breeze through the line at the door.
Discount Coupon & Registration Form
$1.00 Off General Admission Coupon
If you would like to save money at the door please show this page on your phone for $1 off. Or print this page, fill out the appropriate information and bring it along to the front desk at the show. Print and fill in full address only if you are not receiving our postcard in the mail and you would like to be added to the mailing list. (Only one coupon per customer, not combinable with any other discounts. Regular price $6 per ticket at the door, cash only.)
Address: (only if NOT receiving postcard in mail)
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For The Trade Only For Wholesale Room Admission::
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